Preparing to go away to university, packing up your stuff, and moving into student accommodation is a lot of work. Once it’s all over, you may be at a loss of what to do next. Your classes won’t have started yet, but there’s still plenty to keep you occupied during your first week of university. Here are some ideas to get you started.
1. Explore Campus
Become familiar with where everything is on campus by taking some time to explore. This will help you avoid getting lost when classes start. In particular, search for where your classes and labs will be taking place along with the location of other key buildings, such as the library, career centre, and financial aid office.
2. Decorate Your Apartment
Make your apartment feel like home by unpacking and infusing your space with your personal flair. Set up your desk to inspire you when you sit down to study, hang photos on the wall, and use fairy lights to illuminate your bedroom in the evening. Don’t feel like you need to finish decorating during your first week at university — your apartment decor should always be a work in progress.
3. Set Ground Rules with Your Roommates
Before going too far with decorating, you’ll need to talk to your roommates about ground rules. Whereas you can do whatever you want with your bedroom, you’ll need to come to an agreement about shared spaces like the living room, kitchen, and bathrooms. Use this conversation as an opportunity to discuss other rules, such as how you’ll divide up chores, how often you’ll be having guests over, and if there will be quiet times for studying.
4. Attend Campus Events
Universities tend to hold a variety of events on campus during the first week. This is a great way to meet new people and start making friends. If you don’t want to go on your own, ask your roommates to come with you — this will be great for developing a relationship with the people you’ll be living with at the same time as expanding your social circle.
5. Learn About the Resources Available to You
Universities provide students with a variety of resources to help them succeed. Make sure you’re aware of what’s available to you and how to access them. In particular, you should know what services are on offer at places like the writing centre, how to receive tutoring, and how to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
6. Find the Textbooks You Need
If there are any textbooks you know you’ll need for the required readings for your classes, start looking into how you’ll acquire them. If you act early, you should be able to purchase used copies from other students or take advantage of rental services. However, it’s sometimes worth waiting until you’ve had your first class with the professor to confirm that you’ll need all the materials listed in the syllabus.
There’s still time to make your time at university even better: by choosing great student housing. St Catharines students can move into Foundry Lofts, located within walking distance of both Brock University and Niagara College. Our apartments are designed with modern, sustainable living in mind. Sign a lease for September while we still have some rooms available.