Your years at university will be some of the most important in your life. University is about much more than continuing your education and gaining a credential — it changes you in multiple ways. Here are just a few to consider.
1. Form Lifelong Memories
You’ll have some great experiences at university that you’ll always remember. Depending on how you use your time, these may include big parties, sports games, talks from famous guest speakers, free concerts, and countless other activities.
2. Overcome Challenges
Of course, not all your experiences at university will be positive. However, some of your most challenging times will be the greatest learning experiences. Whether it’s navigating relationships with new friends, struggling to finish a paper on time, or coping with a broken down car, you’ll be forced to find creative solutions to your problems. This will teach you resilience you can use throughout your life.
3. Make Connections
The large number of other students attending your school should mean it’s easy for you to make friends, including with people who share the same interests and passions. Plus, you’ll likely meet people from completely different backgrounds and cultures, which will expand your worldview. Many students make friends at university whom they stay in touch with for the rest of their lives.
However, it’s not just other students that you’ll connect with at university — you’ll also meet people who may influence the path your life takes, such as professors, faculty members, the employer at your internship, and the people you work with on volunteer projects.
4. Learn to Be Independent
A major part of university is being responsible — it’s up to you to attend your classes, complete your assignments by the due dates, and pay your bills. You’ll also learn to live away from your parents, eat a balanced diet, and keep your apartment in order.
Luckily, you’ll never be completely alone. University eases you into adult life by teaching you to become independent while still providing you with a support system. If you run into problems, you’ll be able to turn to your professors, faculty members, academic advisor, and even other students who are facing the same challenges as you.
5. Give Your Life a Purpose
The freedom you have at university will teach you more about yourself: who you are, what your values are, and what you may like to do with your life. This is great for giving you a sense of purpose. Whether you figure out what career you want to pursue, decide to dedicate more of your time to volunteering, or change your lifestyle, university will have changed you.
6. Gain Confidence
University will often push you out of your comfort zone. Talking to strangers, attending events where you don’t know anyone, and taking classes where you feel out of your depth will show you that you’re much more capable than you realized. This will give you confidence when you face similar situations in the future.
Make the most of your time at university by living life to the full. One thing you should do right away is find better student housing. An alternative to Niagara College residence is Foundry Lofts. In addition to your private bedroom in an apartment just steps from campus, you’ll have access to some outstanding community amenities, including a fitness centre, games room, fireside lounge, and movie theatre. Apply for a lease.